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Aries season is here: what to astromanifest during this period?

Updated: Mar 23, 2023

The emanations of this sign of fire permeate with the passion and energy necessary to plant the seeds of new projects and initiatives. However, impulsiveness and little tolerance can be exalted.

An important cosmic event will occur during this season, normally it corresponds with the spring equinox. In addition, since Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, its season marks the beginning of a new astrological year.

  • The Sun in Aries illuminates our career and the work plan will tend to grow if we are more sociable and broaden our horizons. This is the best time for organising team meetings, annual reviews for a promotion and work trips that can make you prosper.

The keyword for this season is: Determination

Key phrase for this period: I achieve

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